Paolo Amoroso's Journal

Tech projects, hobby programming, and geeky thoughts of Paolo Amoroso

I finished implementing the commands of Stringscope, the string listing tool I'm developing with Medley Interlisp.

After Sort, Reset, and Exit I wrote the code for Min Len, Find, and Get. I also added the new command Info to show in the prompt area some statistics about the strings. Coding the other commands gave me the idea and Implementing Info seemed easy, so I did it.

Now Stringscope looks like this, with the prompt area attached to the top side of the main window and the menu at the right side:

Window of the Interlisp program Stringscope with an advanced version of the command menu.

I renamed the menu item Set threshold to Min Len as the former was too wide and stood out. Min Len is more consistent with the documentation and code of Stringscope. In addition, I centered the items instead of aligning them flush left. This is the more idiomatic way most traditional Interlisp programs and system tools lay out menus.

To explain how the commands work I recorded a screencast that walks through the features and input validation of Stringscope.

I demonstrated the program by opening and interacting with two binary files, the DOCTEST.TEDIT document created with the TEdit rich text editor and the program's compiled executable STRINGSCOPE.LCOM. I also threw in some invalid data as input to show input validation in action.

After writing the code of the commands I realized Stringscope grew to support all the features I initially planned, plus a couple more I thought of along the way.

Medley Interlisp seemed overwhelming and intimidating at first but it was too much fun, so I pressed on using and studying the system. The effort paid off and now I can not only find my way around, but also create a small yet complete program with a GUI. This is a milestone to celebrate.

It's probably time to ship version 1.0 and start thinking of how to improve Stringscope and its design.

#stringscope #Interlisp #Lisp

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I completed the migration of my personal web site from Squarespace to Blot and it's now online at

After fleshing out the content I disconnected the domain from the old site and connected it to the new one. The content and its organization need improvement but, now that the infrastructure is in place, I can continue from there and make all the required tweaks.

Blot is a static site generator that can publish to a site a folder stored on Google Drive like in my case, on Dropbox, or a Git repository. I set the site to Blot's Magazine template which I like for its sans serif font but I'm using only pages, not blog posts.


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I'm having a lot of fun working on the commands of Stringscope, the string listing tool I'm developing with Medley Interlisp.

I implemented the Sort menu item with its subitems Ascending and Descending, as well as the Reset item. I added also the Exit item for quitting the program, a low-hanging fruit that just required calling the CLOSEW window manager function for closing the main window.

The main window of Stringscope, the command menu, and the prompt area now look like this:

Window of the Interlisp program Stringscope with an early version of the command menu.

The commands didn't require too much new code. I take it as a sign the foundation is solid, or at least not too shaky. And Interlisp's powerful menu system made things easier. But there's some code duplication I'm not satisfied with that will need refactoring.

The next commands to implement are the ones that take input from and output to the prompt area: Get, Find, and Set threshold.

#stringscope #Interlisp #Lisp

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I've begun migrating my personal website from Squarespace to Blot.

It's a small site of a dozen pages intended as a brochure with basic information on me, my activities and projects, as well as links to my blog and online profiles. Think of it as a glorified link in bio.


I couldn't stand looking at my site anymore, I wanted out of it.

The polished details of a professionally designed template gave the site a marketing feel that doesn't represent me. Instead, I want a more lightweight, clean, and lean online home hinting it belongs to a genuine individual. It's okay if the site delivers the amateurish but authentic vibes of a hobby project.

Another motivation to migrate was cost.

At about €240 per year, Squarespace isn't cheap and its inflexibility adds to the cost. Once assigned to a site, a theme can't be swapped for another one without paying for an additional site to associate it to.

Why Blot

Prior to Squarespace I maintained the site with Weebly. Drag and drop site builders like them make it easy to arrange content or tweak the design but their rich-text editors introduce friction when working on what matters, text.

Using to publish this blog spoiled me in how productive and frictionless Markdown is. As a Squarespace alternative I wanted a Markdown-centric publishing platform that could be operated entirely online on chromeOS, integrating seamlessly with my cloud lifestyle.

Traditional static site generators support Markdown but are too complex to set up and maintain. And they may not be a good fit with the cloud.

I procrastinated researching an alternate site builder as googling for it involves highly targeted keywords that yeld lots of ads and SEO-optimized crap. Luckily, by chance I stumbled upon Kev Quirk's praise of Blot which I had heard about.

Checking out Blot and reading the documentation confirmed it could be the right tool, almost.

Blot is designed around blogs and, by default, the home page of the sites it makes displays a list of dated entries in reverse chronological order, as well as matching navigation elements. This isn't the right layout for an infrequently updated personal site.

An email exchange with Blot's developer David Merfield turned out a simple metadata tweak to remove any references to blog entries and customize the home page to my liking. All I needed was to mark the home page as a landing page. David's support is excellent and with a personal touch.

The toolchain

The tools I use to build and maintain the site are a byproduct of the way Blot works.

Blot is a static site generator that synchronizes the source files stored in an online folder on Google Drive, Dropbox, or a Git repository and publshes them to a site served from Blot's own infrastructure. My familiarity with Google Drive and its cloud-centric nature made obvious the choice of where to store the site folder.

I could edit the sources with Google Docs but its Markdown support is limited. Instead I use the beaufitul web-based Markdown editor StackEdit, which can save the files to and synchronize them with Google Drive.

Some tweaks to the site, such as configuring the navigation menu and URL redirects, go through the online dashboard on Blot's website.

Next steps

So far I set up the new site on a Blot subdomain, selected a layout based on a template I like, and began fleshing out the content. When it looks good, I'll disconnect my domain from Squarespace and connect it to the new site.

I hope to ditch Squarespace soon.


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As an amateur astronomer, Astrophotography mode is one reason I got my old Pixel 4 XL and my current Pixel 7 Pro.

But there’s another essential piece of gear for taking long-exposure photos of star fields or astronomical phenomena, a tripod. The one I bought for the Pixel 4 XL and now use with the Pixel 7 Pro is a Phinistec photo tripod, here with some of the included accessories:

Phinistec photo tripod with accessories: carrying pouch, smartphone adapter, Bluetooth shutter.

I do all my astrophotography from an apartment building in Milan, Italy, where I live. It’s a light-polluted urban area but these days I can’t wander around much.

I observe the sky from the apartment’s small balconies, which have the area of a medium-sized carpet. This constrains the camera holding gear I can use. I wanted a full-height tripod that can extend to at least waist level, not a tabletop tripod, as I can’t use tables or other elevated surfaces to set the photo equipment on.

The Phinistec tripod reaches a maximum height of 125 cm. It’s cheap, compact, and very light. It comes with a smartphone adapter, a Bluetooth remote shutter, a carrying pouch, and a Gopro adapter I don’t need.

Although the product specs mention compatibility only with iOS, the Bluetooth shutter works fine with Android. To pair it with your phone turn on Bluetooth discovery on the device, power up the shutter, and follow the prompts on Android.

The tripod is perfect for Astrophotography mode with the my Pixel. I can quickly set up the tripod and bring it to a balcony.

There’s a minor inconvenience, though. Even at full height, when pointing areas of the sky at high angular altitudes, viewing the phone’s screen is not much practical. I have to uncomfortably crouch or bend behind the screen.

#astronomy #Android

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I changed my RSS reader from Feedly to Inoreader.

The affordable Supporter plan I subscribed to is the lowest Inoreader tier but I chose it not because I want something cheap, it's just the plan happens to provide all the features I need. I left behind a lifetime Feedly Pro plan that allows me to use the product indefinitely at no cost.

Importing my feeds and folders from Feedly via the API was seamless and smooth.


I had been using Feedly for ten years since March 13, 2013 when Google announced the shutdown of Google Reader. Over the years Feedly kept adding AI and enterprise features I didn't care about as an individual user. Although the Android app remained inadequate for a long time, Feedly is an okay product despite its frequent outages and performance issues.

I eventually grew dissatisfied with the reliability of Feedly and the company's drift away from the core RSS experience, which made me want to look for something new. A shameful new Feedly feature set the right timing to research a different newsreader.

I want a cloud RSS reader that synchronizes across platforms, particularly the web and Android. I had long heard great things about Inoreader, checked it out, loved it, and purchased a subscription.

First impressions

Inoreader has a clean and pleasant design with the right similarities to Feedly.

The general layout and the choice of keystrokes, mostly the same as Feedly, make the application immediately familiar and usable. Article presentation and formatting are better than Feedly's, which often doesn't render correctly certain page elements. For example, code blocks stand out nicely in Inoreader.

The web client is consistently fast and responsive. So far I haven't experienced the typical slowdowns and outages of Feedly.

What surprised me of Inoreader is text search actually works and instantaneously delivers accurate results. I hadn't seen these levels of search accuracy and performance in RSS readers since Google Reader. Compare this with Feedly's search, which takes several seconds and misses results I'm sure are there. Feedly search is an oxymoron.

A great Inoreader feature missing from Feedly is the ability to load the full text of the articles in partial feeds, it takes just a keypress. This alone is worth Inoreader.

The Chrome extension makes Inoreader double as a read later tool. My primary read later tool is Google Keep but I'm liking Inoreader's smooth workflow for saving and reading web pages.

The Android app has all the key features of the desktop version. For example, swiping down an article in a partial feed downloads the full text. Also, sharing to Inoreader a link to a website with an RSS feed prompts to subscribe to the feed or save the page for later. It's a no brainer, but the Feedly app doesn't support it.

Inoreader is making me rediscover RSS. Reading sessions felt like routine with Feedly, but Inoreader makes me eagerly anticipate sitting down and catching up with my favorite sources.


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I'm enhancing Stringscope with a permanent command menu and a prompt area. The menu, an item of which holds a submenu, attaches to the right side of the main window, the prompt area to the top of the main window above the title bar. This is what the main window looks like now:

Window of the Interlisp program Stringscope with an early version of the command menu.

This way of arranging menus and secondary windows by attaching them to a main window is typical of Interlisp programs with a GUI. The system supports this design with functions like the ones I used, CREATEMENUEDWINDOW to create and attach a menu and GETPROMPTWINDOW for doing the same with a prompt window.

The menu comprises these initial items and subitems:

  • Get: reads the strings of a new file
  • Find: searches for strings matching a specific text
  • Sort: sorts the strings in the following order
    • Ascending
    • Descending
  • Set threshold: changes the minimum length of strings
  • Reset: redisplays the strings read from the current file

The prompt window is an area for displaying status messages and receiving user input such as the name of a new file to read.

So far the Stringscope code sets up the menu and the prompt window. The menu handling function, however, is just a stub that prints to the main prompt window the selected menu item.

The next step will be to implement the commands the menu calls.

#stringscope #Interlisp #Lisp

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Although I despise cutouts and holes in smartphone screens I bought a Google Pixel 7 Pro Obsidian Black to replace my old Pixel 4 XL.

Google Pixel 7 Pro product box

I hoped the Google Store would send me a discount but it never happened, I should have taken advantage of the Black Friday promotion just after the device's release. Anyway, I've been using the Pixel 7 Pro for the past week or so and these are my initial impressions.


For my daily driver smartphone I've always wanted a high-specced, supported, Google-made flagship featuring the Google experience, so the Pixel 7 Pro was an obvious replacement for my end of life Pixel 4 XL.

I could have waited a few months for the upcoming Pixel 8 Pro but the early rumors hinted at a smaller screen. My ageing eyesight strongly prefers large screens, which made a difference in favor of the Pixel 7 Pro.

Another reason not to delay the purchase is that, much as I despise screen cutouts and holes, this design fad is likely here to stay for at least one product generation or two. Getting the Pixel 7 Pro minimizes screen defacement while letting me weather the storm and wait for more tasteful design trends.

Finally, I wanted the Pixel 7 Pro because I was eager to try astrophotography with better optical zoom, 5X versus 2X of the Pixel 4 XL.


After several days the screen hole isn't bothering me as much as I expected. A related feature the reviewers of the Pixel 7 Pro frowned upon but I don't mind is the curved screen. It's not much noticeable to me and the thin bezel is enough to prevent most of the inadvertent screen touches.

The cheap, plastic touch of the screen is unusual but I guess this is the kind of tactile experience the material of curved panels is supposed to give. Still, it contrasts with the thicker glass feel of the Pixel 4 XL screen.

Speaking of the screen, the integrated fingerprint reader is okay but not as accurate and fast as I hoped. I'll miss the lightning fast and accurate screen unlock of the Pixel 4 XL. I think I won't turn on face unlock on the Pixel 7 Pro as it's not supported for biometric authentication, so it may not help much.

Another love or hate design feature is the sensor pod. So far I'm in the don't mind camp.

While optical zoom is important to me, I'm liking the 0.5 X wide angle lens too which, until last year, I didn't have a use for. Then I did a dream trip to the Space Coast and a wide angle lens would have come in handy for photographing space technology subjects.

In ordinary use the Pixel 7 Pro doesn't seem much faster than the Pixel 4 XL, but the former makes a difference for resource-intensive apps and runs them more smoothly, with less lag and jankiness.


On the Pixel 4 XL I was already using Android 13, the same version currently on the Pixel 7 Pro, so there are no significant differences.

The experience of setting up the Pixel 7 Pro, configuring the apps, and performing system updates was similar too. It took 6-8 hours most of which spent migrating banking and credential management apps, each with its own complicated, idiosyncratic, and poorly documented migration procedure.

The Android system updates were excruciatingly slow when setting up the Pixel 7 Pro, most likely because they were large and highly I/O bound.

Aside from these issues, I like Google's Android skin.


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I moved the Stringscope project infrastructure from a GitHub gist to a full repo. The gist is now unmaintained and links to the repo.

Announcing my new Interlisp project Braincons I motivated setting up its infrastructure as a repo with a number of reasons boiling down to convenience. Code is still readble despite the formatting Interlisp encodes, source files no longer need conversion, and a full repo is more flexible. I moved Stringscope to a repo for the same reasons.

#stringscope #Interlisp #Lisp

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After Stringscope I've been working on Braincons, an Interlisp implementation of the esoteric programming language Brainfuck. The project goals are to further learn the Medley Interlisp environment I'm developing Braincons with, as well as experiment with the compilation and implementation of a very simple language.

Braincons data structures inspected in Medley Interlisp.


Braincons is in an early stage of development and largely incomplete, so I don't have much to show yet.

There's no program, output window, or Executive command to run. But preliminary versions of some of the main functions and data structures are in place, which can be called and inspected from Lisp.

So far the system can only parse Brainfuck program sources, check for errors, and produce an intermediate representation a virtual machine will eventually execute.


To try out Braincons download the file BRAINCONS from the project repo, copy it to a file system your Medley Interlisp installation has access to, and evaluate the following expression from the Lisp Executive:



At this point you can call the parser function BRC.PARSE and pass it a Brainfuck source string:


BRC.PARSE returns the intermidiate representation of the source, then assigned to the variable PARSED.PROGRAM which you can inspect as a BRC.PROGRAM record:


The inspected record and its fields should look similar to the above screenshot. This is all I have for now.


I initially focused on designing the main data structures and functions upon which to build the rest of Braincons.

First, I assigned descriptive mnemonics to the Brainfuck commands as in this table:

Command Mnemonic
, IN
[ JZ

Braincons represents the source of a Brainfuck program as a string. Two data structures implemented as Interlisp records hold the intermediate representation the parser produces.

The record BRC.PROGRAM consists of an array of instructions, the index of the last instruction in the array, a list of any branch instructions in the source, and a list of any errors encountered while parsing the program. Each array entry holds a Lisp symbol of the mnemonic of the corresponding instruction, except for the branch instructions JZ (jump if zero) and JNZ (jump if not zero).

Branches are records with fields for the mnemonic, the source address in the instruction array, the destination address, and the index of the branch command in the source string.

So far Braincons has only one entry point, function BRC.PARSE, which takes a Brainfuck source string as the only argument and returns the parsed intermediate representation record BRC.PROGRAM. BRC.PARSE calls directly or indirectly some helper functions to parse individual instructions, create branch records, and check for errors.


Along with ASCII characters, Interlisp source files contain special characters such as and control codes that encode font changes. Visualizing these files in editors and tools that expect ASCII thus shows spurious characters.

To work around this I didn't directly share the raw code of Stringscope. Instead I stripped the control and formatting codes from the source exported from Medley Interlisp, replaced the special characters with more readable versions, and published it to a GitHub gist. The code in the gist is nicely formatted for reading but Medley Interlisp can't load it as is, so I have to provide the raw source separately.

Since Interlisp programmers are used to the formatting, and cleaning it up involves additional steps, I decided to store the raw source of Braincons in a GitHub repo. This also provides the additional flexibility of a full repo.

Further development

I'm actively changing and enhancing the code of the only working feature, the parser. Although the basic design of the main data structures is stabilizing, everything else will likely need a lot of refactoring and cleanup.

Next, I'll implement the virtual machine that processes and executes the parsed program.

In the long term I'd like to build a minimal Brainfuck development environment on top of the parsing and program execution functionality. The environment will comprise a source editor based on TEdit and an interactive visualization with controls for loading and starting programs, showing the state of the virtual machine and the executing program, reading user input, and displaying the output.

#braincons #Interlisp #Lisp

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