The quest for NASM Assembly .COM sources
I'm looking for source code of MS-DOS .COM
programs in real-mode 8086 Assembly written in NASM syntax.
Why such weird requirements? I'm learning Assembly programming under MS-DOS and MikeOS, and cross-developing on Linux with NASM. To avoid the complexity of x86 segmentation, I prefer to focus on single-segment programs as I plan to write small applications anyway. So I'd like to study examples of how these programs organize and reference data and code.
Despite the long history and influence of MS-DOS, finding .COM
code is proving unexpectedly hard.
Googling doesn't turn up much. I solicited recommendations on, comp.lang.asm.x86, the NASM forum, and Mastodon but, aside from a lot of engagement and interest (and the occasional suggestion I change my mind and target Windows), I got few resources.
#Assembly #MSDOS #retrocomputing #x86
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