Laying the foundation of WebCard

The initial Interlisp code of WebCard, my RetroChallenge 2024 project, defines the new type “Web” of NoteCards card. It's the first step for extending NoteCards to visit websites.

The main code is in the function WCD.CreateWebCardType, a thin wrapper around the NoteCards API function NCP.CreateCardType. The former passes to the latter the name of the new type Web, the name of the type Text it inherits from, an alist of functions that implement the overridden card operations, and an alist of customization parameters.

So far the only operation the Web type overrides is card creation via the constructor WCD.MakeWebCard. The function crashes Medley and ends the session but I left it there as I wanted to have something in place.

Although the initial code is little more than a stub, it's an important foundation the rest of WebCard will flesh out or build upon.

Next, I need to figure out why WCD.MakeWebCard crashes. Aside from removing a roadblock, the troubleshooting will provide insight into how card creation works.

The code is available at the project repo. WebCard function names and symbols start with the WCD. prefix as a form of limited namespace isolation as Interlisp has nod direct support for packages.

#WebCard #Interlisp #Lisp

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